for Quaterny Research and Archaeology of the Stone age-
59. Jahrestreffen in Aurich 18. April - 22. April 2017
Vorstellung u.a.
Collection Robert Bollow
Oberflächenfunde der Blaubeurer Alb von der Siedlung Wippingen- Sonderbuch.
link zum Programm:
Benjamin Schürch & Harald Floss:
Wippingen-Sonderbuch a new open-air site in the Swabian Jura
The working group directed by H. Floss, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, University of Tübingen, Abteilung Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie, is currently working on several open-air sites in the Swabian Jura. Wippingen-Sonderbuch is one of those sites.
The stone artefacts of the site originate from two surface collections (collection Robert Bollow and Jörg Sauer). Due to this origin the artefacts are mixed. These stone artefacts can be classified to the Middle Palaeolithic, the Early Upper Palaeolithic and the Neolithic (Floss/Schürch 2015). In order to separate the mixed assemblages, technological and typological knowledge of the Neolithic and Palaeolithic stone industries had to be applied. The site Wippingen-Sonderbuch is located at the south central part of the Blaubeurer Alb. The valley deepening of the ancestral Danube led to the sedimentation of river gravels at the site. The site is situated at the edge of an uvala (Karstwanne) that is formed by three dolines. On the edges of this karst phenomenon erosion can be observed. These special geological events maybe led to extraordinary sedimentation conditions. In the surrounding of Wippingen-Sonderbuch there are several open air sites which contain Palaeolithic and Neolithic artefacts as well. They show that Wippingen-Sonderbuch is not an exceptional case in the region of the Blaubeurer Alb (Schürch 2015).
References: Floss/Schürch 2015 H. Floss, B. Schürch: Paläolithische Oberflächenfunde von der Blaubeurer Alb. Mitt. Ges. Urgeschichte 24 (2015), 121-140 Schürch 2015
B. Schürch: Paläolithische Oberflächenfunde der Blaubeurer Alb (Unpublished Bechelor´s Thesis University of Tübingen 2015) * Benjamin Schürch — Harald Floss — Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Abteilung für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Entdeckung der mittelpaläolithischen Fundstelle
durch den Fund einer Blattspitze. Collection R. Bollow.
Nächste Möglichkeit zum Kennenlernen der paläolithischen Oberflächenfunde:
13.05.2017 | GfU-Mitgliederversammlung mit anschliessendem GfU-Tag, Vortrag von Benjamin Schürch. |
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